Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Exploring depression prevention via the internet

This just in from Australia...a new study on the effectiveness of e-mail strategies to help individuals living with depression.

Very timely info too. CMHAVB participated in a tweetchat last night with a lively on-line mental health community. One of the questions discussed was the "how" of reaching out to folks who might have depression.

The live event happens on-line every Tuesday night from 6-7 pm PST - #mhsm

And, if you are interested in knowing more about last night's chat, it is archived at

Announcing the launch of Mood Memos
Mood Memos is a University of Melbourne study exploring a method of preventing depression through the internet. The study is targeted to people experiencing some depression symptoms who are not yet too severe, with the aim of averting depression or relapse.

The Mood Memos study will trial the effectiveness of an email-based mental health promotion for depression symptoms. Emails are delivered every few days for 6 weeks, bringing expert coping advice and information about depression directly to email inboxes.

The Mood Memos study is open to adults 18+ around the world until November 2010. The study is ideal for those who have some symptoms of depression but aren’t being treated, and want to know more about depression and how to help themselves feel better. All data is confidential and participants can remain anonymous. Recruitment to the study is via the website, visit to sign up or email for more information.

Why Mood Memos?
Depression symptoms are commonly experienced and disrupt day-to-day life. They also heighten the risk of developing major depression. Increasing depression literacy and use of effective self-help methods could improve depression across the community. The internet is an ideal promotional medium as it is often used to search for information about mental health issues, and health messages can be widely disseminated at little cost.

The study is funded by the NHMRC and the Sidney Myer Fund, and has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at The University of Melbourne, Australia. The study forms part of a PhD project by Amy Morgan, and is supervised by Professor Tony Jorm and Professor Andrew Mackinnon.

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