The board of directors met for 2 planning session in mid March to try and formulate the basis of our plan. We chose Debbi Salmonsen from Honu Consulting to lead us through the process.
For our next step in our planning process, we wanted to put all the information together into some usable information. In general we knew we wanted to build on our strengths, minimize our risks and grow the organization. So, our facilitator chose to lead us through a SCORE analysis done in a brainstorming session format.
Here are our top 3 in each category:
- We have a variety of successful programs that are known for their innovation and impact.
- Passionate leadership by board, staff, management and volunteers.
- History of being responsible, accountable and effective.
- Discontinuation over 3 years of United Way Member agency funding. We will require $140,000 of new donations.
- Lack of awareness about our Branch programs
- Growing need for services with a lack of new money to pay for them
- Continue to grow and develop our inCREDable program series (Child and Youth programs).
- Develop cross cultural competencies to better serve Vancouver and Burnaby's diverse populations
- Utilize new technologies (social media) to reach out to more people.
- Reliance on government funding during tough economic times
- Lack of space in office to grow
- Loosing staff and volunteers
- With the development of the Canadian Mental Health Commission there is a growing awareness in Canada about the need to fight stigma and support those living with a mental illness.
- There is an economic recession and fundraising is more challenging.
- 2009 election and 2010 Olympics are shining a spotlight on Vancouver.
Up next: our key priorities