Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mental - A TV Series

I watched the premiere of Mental last night on FOX network. To be honest, I had no idea what to expect. Like any TV series it had its good and bad points.

The acting was over-acting and the writing was heavy. I felt spoon fed the entire episode. In many ways the show felt typical of all medical dramas: the earnest residents, the slick doctor in bed with the drug companies more than the patients, the well intentioned hospital director, and - ultimately the show's hero - the good and caring doctor. It was both familiar and predictable.

However, the content, a focus on mental illness is new. Was it realistic? No. Was it filled with stereotypes and common misconceptions that made it all shiny and glossy? Yes. Was it better than most? Absolutely.

The protagonist, Jack Gallagher, was truly patient centred, and his message of empowerment and involvement was welcomed. He even used the word 'recovery.' The patient in the main storyline was not demonized, despite seeing demons, and there was an effort to contextualize experience.

I'm going to keep watching. I'm going to tell others to check it out. I am grateful to have a TV series that begins to tell stories and shed a new light on a topic that has been hidden for far too long. It may not be the best TV, but it is TV that will make me stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Your Wellness Day

On May 29th, I am asking you to book a spa or salon treatment for yourself or you and your friends to celebrate “Your Wellness Day.” If you are familiar with the successful “Dine Out For Life Event,” we are organizing an event of similar structure but instead of restaurants donating to HIV/AIDS charities, we have partnered with spas and salons in support of mental health.

The two charities involved are MPA Society and the Canadian Mental Health Association. Please visit the sites, I know you will find the information and work of the organizations both useful and compelling.

Here’s what I am hoping you will do:
1. Please schedule a spa or salon appointment for May 29th at one of our partner businesses. These can be found at
2. Please let them know you are booking with them because you appreciate that they are supporting this important cause. And
3. Please forward this blog to all of your contacts, so that they too can pamper themselves, while supporting a terrific cause.

The website will continue to be updated for another week, so if your favorite spa isn’t on board yet, please let me know and I will try and track them down.

We intend to make this an annual event. This is our first year, and we purposefully started small. We are tremendously grateful to the spas and salons that have joined as inaugural business partners and the media that has offered us promotions and recognition.

We are especially thankful to you for booking appointments with these partners and letting them know how much you support business’ efforts to assist community organizations!

Happy Pampering!

Mel Thompson is on his way.

Some photos and a few words that commemorate the start of an incredible journey, The Ride for Mental Health, to open hearts and minds and to create awareness and acceptance for those living with mental illness.

The cyclists arrive

The Xerox Organizing Team: Andre, Sharon, Kevin, Rob, Naz, Andy, Steve and Catherine

Merrill Shepard - CMHAVB Past President, Dr. Art Hister, Pervez Siddiqui - CMHAVB President, Dr. Kerry Jang - City Councillor

Mel Thompson

In Mel Thompson's Own Words:

"We literally just parked the bikes after an incredible launch. We met at Vanier Beach to dip the wheels of my bike in the ocean. Then a group of about 25 riders pedalled with me to the Art Gallery at the city centre. A live band, "RADIOPLAY" greeted us and the Executive Director of the CMHA Vancouver Burnaby Branch mc'd the ceremonies. A city counsellor, Dr. Kerry Jang,(who is also a psychiatrist) commented on the City's commitment to mental health and spoke of several initiatives. A local TV and radio personality, Dr Art Hister, made a great speech with some humour and they gave me about 10 minutes. I introduced my daughter Lindsay who spoke for 3 minutes and then I spoke for about 5 and had an opportunity to thank the organizers and the band and the CMHA Vancouver Burnaby Branch and talk a little about our objectives. Then Andy recognized the committee and then presented a cheque for $7777.00. Then we rode out with several police officers on bikes escorting us out of town.

Things went very smoothly and even the weather cooperated.

So my quote for the day is "Thanks to Andy and the Vancouver team for an amazing launch of the Ride For Mental Health. We had a fun first day of riding, arriving in Mission about 85 K from Vancouver. There are countless hills and mountains between here and Calgary. They worry me but I'm going to knock them down one at a time. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and to a great event in Calgary.""

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What would you do?

Did you know that a partner is four times more likely to leave you because of a mental health condition like depression than because of a physical disability?

Considering that 1 in 5 people in Canada will experience a mental health issue during their lifetime, chances are pretty good that you or someone you know with grapple with this experience.

How can you help?

For starters, we would like you to be aware of the impact of language. Consider the old saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” – not true. A recent study has found that the use of discriminating language, even unintentional references, can be detrimental to a person’s mental health.

You can also learn more about mental health issues, including mental illness. There are many ways to expand your knowledge in this area but we would ask that whatever you do, you challenge the stereotypes that you may come across in the media. Visit this excellent British site to test what your response might be in a number of scenarios.

A good place to start - take the time to talk to someone you know who lives with a mental illness - everybody has a story to tell. Read a book, surf the web, or take a course. Mental Health First Aid is one example of the courses that we are proud to offer.

Your investment in time will help you to help others, especially a person who may be experiencing a mental health issue. After all, the more facts we have about mental illness, the more able we are to help dispel the myths.

The choice is yours.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Meeting the Business Crowd

Last week, CMHA VB staff and volunteers headed to downtown Vancouver to do a little one-on-one mental health promotion. We handed out over 1000 stress-test cards that contain work-life balance tips on the back.

I'll admit, some people wouldn't even look at us as the rushed by and some people politely declined our free information. But more people accepted our cards with a smile. Given that we handed them all out in less than 20 minutes, I'd say they were a big hit. We're hoping that as people take them back to their office they will share them with their co-workers or take them home and share them with family and friends.

Sometimes, it just take a gentle reminder, to encourage people to re-focus on balance, wellness and self-care.

Huge thanks to all our volunteers who made this Mental Health Week event a great success.

Click here to view our top tips and feel free to let us know if there are tips you use that we can share with others.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Ride For Mental Health

Tuesday May 19th Kick Off Celebration

Our branch is pleased to be a community partner in one man's dream to make a difference. Mel Thompson is going to start his journey to bicycle across Canada to raise awareness and acceptance of mental health issues. Now is your chance to be part of this incredible journey by showing your support and sending him on his way with a true Vancouver send off.

11:00 am – Vanier Park.
Mel will dip his wheels in water and cycle up to the Vancouver Art Gallery, where the party awaits him. Local cyclist can join Mel – to join him on this short ride all you need to do is 1) email Andy to RSVP 2) show up with your bicycle. 3) sign a waiver (available on site)
Click here to email Andy

12:00 (noon) – Vancouver Art Gallery, Georgia Street Side. Celebration Central
· Live music by RadioPlay featuring Michael LeBlanc
· Interactive Booths and Tables that feature lots of great tips to promote your own wellness
12:30 pm - Fun talk by Dr. Art Hister of CKNW and Global TV on mental health promotion
Mel Thomson takes a moment to reflect on his motivation and inspiration.
Xerox presentation of community fundraising to CMHA Vancouver Burnaby Branch
1:00 pm – Mel’s journey begin.

You can follow Mel through Facebook, Twitter and his Blog. Check out his website for details.

Thank you everyone for your support. Please take the time to join us and help us collectively send a message of the importance of mental health and how we can all create change!

Election Day

This is your last chance to vote. If you have not had a chance to visit the CMHA website that has compiled lots of useful information on the candidates positions on mental health related issues - please do it now. Mental health matters!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mental Health Week - The Proclamation

Last Tuesday May 5th, 2009, His Worship the Mayor of Vancouver, Gregor Robertson proclaimed Mental Health Week for the City of Vancouver.

This event was notable for several reasons. First, because it was my first opportunity to address council on the importance of mental health promotion for all its citizens.

Secondly, because the MPA Society, represented by their Executive Director, David MacIntyre, was the co-recipient of the proclamation. This was a public demonstration of the partnership and shared values between our two organizations.

Lastly, because CMHA is working to further its community presence and we are proud to work with our civic elected and administrative officials to build stronger healthier communities.

David MacIntrye, Rebecca Shields, Mayor Robertson

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mental Health Week: May 4 to 10, 2009

Gregor Robertson, Mayor of Vancouver, will be officially proclaiming Mental Health Week in Vancouver today at 2 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall. It's a rainy Vancouver spring day, but we're hoping a great many will come out to show support for mental health awareness!

Mental Health Week is about awareness, not only of issues around mental health, such as stigma and myths, but also awareness of how mental health, just like physical health, affects all people. Mental health is everyday health for everybody.

This year, CMHA's theme for Mental Health Week is "Now, More Than Ever, Invest In Yourself." With all the stressors in our lives, whether they be financial, familial, work or health-related, and so on, it is important to take care of your mental health. It's one of our greatest assets. The CMHA National web-site offers a few tools to see if your life is in balance, and tips to help you mind your mental health. Mental health is also about being proactive, about recognizing problems and seeking health before things become overwhelming.

What about all of you? What do you do for your mental health?